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October 5 - October 26, 2022
Marti Mendenhall's avatar

Marti Mendenhall

The Energetics: Energy Coaches Team


  • 0 TODAY
  • 965 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    not spent in front of a screen
  • UP TO
    waste avoided

Marti's actions

Balancing Consumption

Develop a Work-Life Balance

During the work day, I will schedule time for breaks to practice work-life balance.


Balancing Consumption

Less Screen Time

I will replace 20 minute(s) of screen time each day with other activities.


Balancing Consumption

Research Impact Investing

I will spend 30 minutes learning about impact investing and/or my current investment portfolio to determine if they align with my values.


Balancing Consumption

Needs Vs. Wants

Each day, I will practice a "Needs Vs. Wants" approach and only buy things I need.


Balancing Consumption

Calculate My Carbon Footprint

I will calculate the carbon emissions associated with my household and consider how different lifestyle choices could reduce our carbon footprint and our impact on the environment.


Enacting Equity

Research Indigenous & First Nations Communities

I will spend 30 learning about the past and present indigenous or first nation communities in my regions impacted by colonization, and what I can do to be supportive.


Cultivating Communities

Pull Together Items to Donate

Each day, I will find one or more items I can donate to a local thrift or resale shop.


Balancing Consumption

Know My Waste & Recycling Services

I will spend 20 minutes finding out how to recycle in my region, where landfills and/or waste sites are situated in my region, and which communities are most impacted by these sites.


Balancing Consumption

Track My Purchases

I will maintain a record of all my purchases and identify my spending habits.


Balancing Consumption

Repair a Broken Item

I will repair at least one item that is broken, but is repairable. This might be items like garden tools, sewing machine, small appliances, electronics, clothing, and more.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Marti Mendenhall's avatar
    Marti Mendenhall 10/26/2022 4:57 PM
    GREAT JOB TEAM!!! Be sure to log your last actions today. I'm not sure what time they cut things off - but this is the last day. Thanks so much for competing with me. See you all in May!!!

  • Marti Mendenhall's avatar
    Marti Mendenhall 10/26/2022 4:56 PM
    Well - That's it folks . . . Nicely done! I'm so proud of my teammates - and you - for completing this challenge. See you all in May!

  • Marti Mendenhall's avatar
    Marti Mendenhall 10/25/2022 8:43 AM
    I will admit that reducing my screen time is a tough one!!! I do better on weekends when I'm with my partner. I do MUCH better when it's Sunny inside. I read every day anyway. But I am more aware about how much screen time I actually DO put in each day. 

  • Marti Mendenhall's avatar
    Marti Mendenhall 10/21/2022 9:02 AM
    OMG! Here I was thinking today was the last day. DOH!  I still have time to complete some of the bigger items tis weekend. GOOOOOOOO Marti!!!

  • Marti Mendenhall's avatar
    Marti Mendenhall 10/21/2022 9:01 AM
    Ha! Here I am thinking it's the last day - and it's NOT!!! We've still got a few more days . . . DOH

  • Marti Mendenhall's avatar
    Marti Mendenhall 10/21/2022 9:00 AM
    Hey Everyone! How'd you do? On this LAST day of the Echochallenge, I'm checking in. I did GREAT on my daily actions, but not so great on the bigger items this time. But the daily actions actually helped me this time. I'm so excited to have this huge pile of Goodwill donations ready to go. Get it OUT of this household!! I also worked on my buget, tried less screen time (which I didn't like), and tried to balance my work/home life. It's all good and I learned a lot this year.

    How'd you do?

  • Marti Mendenhall's avatar
    Marti Mendenhall 10/21/2022 8:57 AM
    Hey Team - Congrats on making it to the LAST DAY of the Eco Challenge. I'm proud of you guys. Hell - I'm proud of ME. I did not do well on the bigger projects. But I did GREAT on some of the daily habits. The things I chose actually helped me this time, and I so appreciate that.  Thank YOU for participating, and I hope you feel great, too.
    Balancing Consumption Know My Waste & Recycling Services
    What did you find surprising or hopeful in your research?

    Marti Mendenhall's avatar
    Marti Mendenhall 10/14/2022 1:22 PM
    Some disappointing news for me in this realm. I didn't realize that a lot of the plastics I send to the recycling place - aren't recycled! Further, that not all of the paper I send to be recycled gets recycled either. SAD. I keep doing it out of habit. But still - when are we going to develop the technology to recycle everything!

    • Mary Hanks's avatar
      Mary Hanks 10/22/2022 6:59 PM
      I share your concerns. Just this week I read a press release about plans for an area facility to process more kinds of plastic...but since it was a press release, I have to wonder how much of it is true and how much is greenwashing. I'm hoping local and state journalists will investigate and provide less biased information.
    Balancing Consumption Track My Purchases
    What have you noticed about your purchases? Where are you inclined to make shifts, if any?

    Marti Mendenhall's avatar
    Marti Mendenhall 10/14/2022 1:20 PM
    What have I learned about my purchases? Well - Amazon is pretty much free-reign. OMG! I need a better budget. I want something that is robust and fun, and helps me with graphs, etc. I joined "MINT" a few years ago, but got frustrated that it mixed my podcast expenses with my regular household budget and it didn't "learn" the expenditures very easily .

    So my goal this time around with the Ecochallenge is to go back to mint and get it all set-up again. I really think this could be a game-changer for me. It can help me set goals and track literally everything.

    I sigh at how much time I think it might take me. But I'm going to give it a shot! Maybe thi
    s weekend I can get a start. How's your budgeting going? 

    • Mary Hanks's avatar
      Mary Hanks 10/22/2022 7:00 PM
      Wishing you success! You sound very clear about your goal. 
    Balancing Consumption Less Screen Time
    What are the implications for a culture that spends most of its time inside and on screens?

    Marti Mendenhall's avatar
    Marti Mendenhall 10/13/2022 10:16 AM
    I think the impact for a culture that spends most of its time inside and/or on screens comprises several base-level human essentials. First, communication. Especially for younger humans, the act of communicating with other human beings - either in person, or on the phone, is a skill that is an important skill that is learned over time. We become better communicators as we grow and with experience. In fact, I think learning to communicate could go a long way to solving some problems that involve anger, discomfort or chronic illnesses and/or addictions.

    I have a mostly extroverted brain. Which means I need outside stimulation to for my brain to feel "right." Working from home can be a challenge, and I often have the TV on just for some background noise. For some reason, having this "noise" frees up my brain to focus on something esle. Not sure why that is - but it IS.

    Lately, I've been trying to listen to music more instead of having the TV on. I am a musician, so this not only elevates my mood, but also I work better and am happier when I'm around music.

    There are other areas where less-screen time can really help balance a human that I won't go into here. But some good examples might be connecting with the self, by connecting to nature, by taking a walk or a hike, by meditating. None of these things involve screen time and they can elevate the happiness and get those endorphins moving along.

    My two cents!