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October 5 - October 26, 2022

Mace Central Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Cultivating Communities Stay on the Ground
    What was your process like for restructuring your trip? How can you avoid more air travel in the future?

    Jan Herman's avatar
    Jan Herman 10/25/2022 8:14 AM
    Allow myself enough time to drive safely to AR. We will take breaks, switch off driving & book a hotel to break up the travel hours. 
    Regenerating Nature Support Local Pollinators
    Why is it important to take care of pollinators? Do you have a favorite pollinator?

    Jan Herman's avatar
    Jan Herman 10/25/2022 8:08 AM
    They help build a healthy eco-system. I love hummingbirds and plant flowers in the summer that will attract them. 
    Balancing Consumption Calculate My Carbon Footprint
    What is one way you will reduce your carbon impact? What is a practice you already have that helps you reduce your carbon impact?

    Jan Herman's avatar
    Jan Herman 10/25/2022 7:59 AM
    I will plan more vegetarian meals for my family to reduce waste. We plan to use our fireplace more this winter and rely less on the furnace. I drive less than the average person on a weekly basis. My home has all energy efficient appliances. 
    Balancing Consumption Calculate My Carbon Footprint
    What is one way you will reduce your carbon impact? What is a practice you already have that helps you reduce your carbon impact?

    Colleen McPartland's avatar
    Colleen McPartland 10/24/2022 11:19 AM
    I reduce my carbon impact by only using reusable water bottles and reducing my purchasing of one time plastics as much as possible

  • Colleen McPartland's avatar
    Colleen McPartland 10/18/2022 2:23 PM
    I spent 2 hours yesterday exploring a state park in my area
    Regenerating Nature Spend Time Outside
    What are the implications for a culture that spends most of its time inside and on screens?

    Jan Herman's avatar
    Jan Herman 10/18/2022 8:42 AM
    There are a number of implications from obesity, eye strain & the loss of personal connections to other human beings; also, the inability to communicate effectively face to face. The air quality you breathe indoors is usually poor compared to the outdoors. 
    Nourishing Food Donate Food
    Why do you donate food? How does it connect to your values?

    Shaun Guild's avatar
    Shaun Guild 10/14/2022 9:41 AM
    Donated some sports equipment to help youth sports. 
    Balancing Consumption Needs Vs. Wants
    How is creativity a necessary ingredient for practicing simplicity?

    Jan Herman's avatar
    Jan Herman 10/14/2022 8:01 AM
    Today my kids are out of school, they have asked to go do just about anything and everything today. (Movies, the zoo, pumpkin farm, indoor jump park, etc) 
    Instead of agreeing to one of these activities we are going to decorate pumpkins with craft items and whatever else we can find around the house or outside. This activity will force creativity give them something to be proud. Not to mention the cost savings in this activity!
    Cultivating Communities Practice a Sharing Economy
    What benefits does the sharing economy offer to you and others? If you are a little shy to try, what could be a first step for you?

    Jan Herman's avatar
    Jan Herman 10/14/2022 7:52 AM
    The Yoga studio I go to practices a sharing community. People will bring in vegetables & fruits from their gardens. We also have a read, return, repeat library at the studio where people can donate books. At yoga this morning, I brought home fresh corn on the cob! 
    Regenerating Nature Calculate My Water Footprint
    What is one way you will reduce your water use? What is a practice you already have that helps you reduce your water use?

    Jan Herman's avatar
    Jan Herman 10/14/2022 7:45 AM
    My water footprint score is 1601 gallons of water per day. Surprisingly this is below average. I scored high on running my kitchen faucet too long. I will shorten the amount of time I let my faucet run while doing dishes. I will not use the faucet sprayer as a tool to remove excess food. I will use a scrubber instead. 
    I practice running 5 loads or less of laundry a week. I make sure the loads are full instead of running a lot of small loads a week.