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October 1 - October 31, 2024

Community Agreements


We value you. Your experience, your actions, your impact, and the community you are helping to co-create by participating in Ecochallenge are all extremely important to us. This sentiment extends to all Ecochallenge participants regardless of where you are from, how you look, or why you chose to show up. Providing a platform that encourages rich dialogue and meaningful, measurable action is what we strive to do every day, and we firmly believe that the more diverse and inclusive our community is, the more each and every one of us has to gain.

Our Intentions

These Community Agreements are stated to ensure that we can all work together to maintain a community where everyone feels welcome to participate, to learn, to share, and to inspire others regardless of experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other defining characteristic.

Expected Behavior

  • Choose inclusion - welcome those who have chosen to take this journey with you.
  • Be open - to perspectives that reflect your experience, and those that don’t.
  • Be respectful - treat others as you want to be treated.
  • Be honest - with yourself and your fellow participants.

Our Promise to You

These Community Agreements represent our intentions for how we would like to see us all - participants and administrators alike - engage with each other and our platform. To ensure that our Ecochallenge platform and programs promote and uphold the values outlined in our Justice Vision that are essential to a diverse and inclusive community, we make the following promises:

  • We promise to prioritize inclusion on our platform and in our programming.
  • We promise to listen attentively to any comments, concerns, or feedback about another participant’s behavior or our platform and ensure that you feel heard and validated.
  • We promise to take appropriate action in response to any form of discrimination, intimidation, or harassment we or any Ecochallenge participant comes across. The actions we take may include but are not limited to: deleting a post, asking a participant to delete a post deemed offensive, removing points earned through dishonest means, and/or removing individuals from the event.
  • We promise to be there with you participating in the event, monitoring the feed, and helping all of us take action towards a better shared future.

Inspiration for this document was taken from the following exemplary codes, namely: the Slack Developer Community Code of Conduct and Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines which are based on Stumptown Syndicate’s Citizen Code of Conduct, World Pulse’s Community Guidelines and the guidance and information offered by The aDa Initative.