Mohammed Saad Ahmed
"Saving the Mother Earth."
- 710 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO133pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO1.0energy auditconducted
UP TO3.3pounds of paperhave been saved
UP TO240gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO5.0water collection systemsinstalled
UP TO66conversationswith people
UP TO62neighborsmet
UP TO376minutesspent outdoors
UP TO163minutesspent learning
Mohammed Saad's actions
Smart Seafood Choices
I will visit or download the app and commit to making better seafood choices for a healthier ocean.
Talk To My Friends and Colleagues
I will research the social or environmental issues in my community that matter to me and tell 1 friends and/or colleagues each day about what I learn. I will also share what I learn on the Ecochallenge feed.
Upgrade Heating & Cooling Units
I will replace inefficient heating and cooling units with energy saving units.
Switch to Cold Water
I will switch to washing my clothes in cold water, saving up to 1,600 lbs of CO2 over the course of the next year.
Online Energy Audit
I will complete an online energy audit of my home, office, or dorm room and identify my next steps for saving energy.
Choose Clean/Renewable Energy
I will sign up for my utility company's clean/renewable energy option.
Car Share
I will sign up for a car-sharing service, or organize car sharing with my neighbors, to cut down on the number of vehicles on the road.
Improve a Bus Stop
I will improve a bus stop in my neighborhood by posting the stop schedule, adding seating or shelter, adding art or flowers, picking up litter, or some other small improvement.
Stay on the Ground
Instead of traveling by plane, I will find an alternative way to accomplish the goals of an upcoming trip (i.e. telepresence, vacation locally).
Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
I will save up to 8 gallons (32 L) of water a day by installing a low-flow shower-head.
Collect Rain Water
I will create a rain garden or bioswale or use rain barrels to collect water for outdoor watering needs.
Insulate Water Pipes and Water Heater
I will avoid wasting water while waiting for the shower or sink to heat up.
Eco-Friendly Gardening
I will plant native species, landscape with water-efficient plants, and use eco-friendly fertilizers.
Go Paperless
I will reduce the amount of paper mail that I receive by 3.4lbs (1.5kg) a month or 41lbs (18.6kg) a year by opting into paperless billing, ending unwanted subscriptions and opting out of junk mail.
Enjoy the Sunrise/Sunset
I will enjoy the sunrise and/or sunset each day.
Practice Gratitude for Earth
I will spend 5 minutes per day outside, practicing gratitude (prayer, meditation, journaling, etc.) for Earth and my natural surroundings.
Engage In Active Listening
I will practice actively listening to a friend, family member, co-worker, acquaintance, or someone who I may disagree with in at least 1 conversations.
Meet My Neighbors
I will meet 1 new neighbors each day.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Mohammed Saad Ahmed 10/30/2024 11:48 AMThis year's challenge is getting over, see you next year. -
Mohammed Saad Ahmed 10/30/2024 3:22 AMBe happy in all the situations.-
Anna Marie Angeles 10/30/2024 6:18 AMThat’s a beautiful philosophy to live by! 😊 Finding happiness in every situation can truly transform your outlook on life.
Mohammed Saad Ahmed 10/28/2024 8:29 AMStay positive and Happy!!-
Lenka Karetkova 10/28/2024 12:37 PMyes! it makes such a difference in your day! -
Dhanaraj Ramasamy 10/28/2024 8:45 AMAbsolutely! Staying positive and being happy can bring difference in how we experience life. Spend more time in doing things we love. Keep Shining!
Mohammed Saad Ahmed 10/25/2024 6:41 AMStay positive in every situation.-
Jeanne Poirier 10/25/2024 7:29 PMThese words echoed inside me earlier today. Hard to do at times - and this challenge really helped me to "just get over it" - HA! So easy to say . . .
REFLECTION QUESTIONCommunity Engage In Active ListeningWhat was it like to actively listen to someone? How did both people and the conversations benefit from active listening?
Mohammed Saad Ahmed 10/25/2024 6:39 AMIt takes time to be a active listener and it will help both the people. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONEnergy Switch to Cold WaterWhat do you plan to do with the money you save from making more energy efficient choices?
REFLECTION QUESTIONEnergy Online Energy AuditWhat most interested or surprised you about your own energy footprint? What changes did you make or will you make?
REFLECTION QUESTIONEnergy Choose Clean/Renewable EnergyHow might you be able to get others involved in advocating for the shift to clean energy?
Mohammed Saad Ahmed 10/25/2024 6:37 AMThis type of challenges helps to spread the required awareness. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONEnergy Upgrade Heating & Cooling UnitsWhat inspires you to act on sustainable energy and other energy issues?
REFLECTION QUESTIONTransportation Improve a Bus StopHow can you advocate for transportation systems which minimize environmental impact while also meeting human needs?
Mohammed Saad Ahmed 10/25/2024 6:36 AMThere are many ways to travel, if possible trying to find the best mode depends on the situation.