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October 5 - October 26, 2022

ENGIE Impact Spokane Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Shawna Troyer's avatar
    Shawna Troyer 10/13/2022 3:36 PM
    Desperately need to work on the work-life balance. And thanks to a friend asking how to break her social media habit - I suggested setting a social media time. Like: 7:30 - 8:30pm, and make it a rule she can only check it during that time. She liked that idea. Of course... I'm not following it myself. Goals, though.

  • Shawna Troyer's avatar
    Shawna Troyer 10/06/2022 4:57 PM
    from footprint calculator (see prior post): My footprint is 93% lower than the average consumer.
    Balancing Consumption What is Sustainable Fashion?
    How can you express your personality, creativity, and values in ways that don't require fast fashion or buying more clothes and accessories?

    Shawna Troyer's avatar
    Shawna Troyer 10/06/2022 4:53 PM
    Seriously... I've been doing this my entire life. I think I was 14 or 15 when I discovered second hand stores and clothing banks, and gleefully dressed myself in pre-worn clothing. It's been 30+ years and I still do this. You can find name-brand or off-brand clothing, already worn to comfort stage (hello, new (to-me) jeans!). There's also upcycling but I'm too lazy for that... Also, if I do buy things new, I tend to wear it till it wears out (I've had tank tops 5+ yrs which I bought new, and still wearing dresses - galabeya's - I bought in Egype in 2004). Also random thing: Fashion Footprint Calculator kicks a 404 error. But googling: is a working site.

  • Shawna Troyer's avatar
    Shawna Troyer 10/06/2022 8:03 AM
    My Why: Participating gives me encouragement, new resources and things to think about, and a check-list (challenge) of things to learn about or start practicing (or continue practicing). I appreciate it, even if I get too busy to look at my goals.