October 1 - October 31, 2024
HP Inc. Eco Saviours
HP Inc.
Earth Loves You, Love it Back
team impact
UP TO255organic mealsconsumed
UP TO142poundsfood waste prevented
UP TO60locally sourced mealsconsumed
UP TO448zero-waste mealsconsumed
UP TO695meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
UP TO304whole food mealsconsumed
UP TO18milestraveled by foot
UP TO254milesnot traveled by car
UP TO5.0energy auditsconducted
UP TO59lightbulbsreplaced
UP TO9,286pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO1,606minutesbeing mindful
UP TO10,215minutesnot spent in front of a screen
UP TO16plastic bottlesnot sent to the landfill
UP TO108poundswaste avoided
UP TO26pounds of paperhave been saved
UP TO5.0waste auditsconducted
UP TO14water collection systemsinstalled
UP TO13,057gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO4,088minutesof additional sleep
UP TO667more servingsof fruits and vegetables
UP TO124donationsmade
UP TO16,677minutesspent exercising
UP TO270public officials or leaderscontacted
UP TO122neighborsmet
UP TO284conversationswith people
UP TO273advocacy actionscompleted
UP TO258hoursvolunteered
UP TO11community eventshosted or attended
UP TO22documentarieswatched
UP TO10,004minutesspent outdoors
UP TO119treesplanted
UP TO12,503minutesspent learning
Team Feed
Recent updates from this team-
November 1 at 3:57 AMLife is a climb....but the view is great...
October 31 at 2:52 AMWatched documentary about reservoirs in India and how they help save water and multiple uses right from distribution for agriculture, water needs for people using pipelines, generating electricity. it makes me feel how important is water for day to day living of human and other creatures in the world.
October 31 at 2:49 AMVoting is the basic responsibility of every citizen. Creating awareness and helping the voters will result ideal votes casted and right leaders selected.
October 30 at 10:57 PMHow Is Food Genetically Altered? The science behind GM food is called food biotechnology—the use of modern genetics to improve plants, animals, and microorganisms for food production. Of course, the concept of tinkering with living things is almost as old as agriculture itself. The first farmer who bred his best bull with the best cow in his...
October 30 at 10:56 PMGenetically Modified Food—Is It Safe for You? Depending on where you live, you may have had some genetically modified (GM) food in your breakfast, lunch, or dinner today. It might have been in the form of potatoes with a built-in insect repellent or tomatoes that stay firm longer after being picked. In any case, the GM food or ingredient may...
October 30 at 10:53 PMHormones and Antibiotics Since the 1950’s, small doses of antibiotics have been added to the feed of poultry, pigs, and cattle in some places. The purpose is to lower the risk of disease, especially where animals are kept together in close quarters. In some lands hormones are also added to animal feed to speed up animal growth. Hormones and...
October 30 at 10:46 PM“A good diet is the most basic human need. . . . Without sufficient food, we would die.”—Food and Nutrition
October 30 at 10:13 PMWhere Has All the Water Gone? Cherrapunji, India, is one of the wettest places on earth. During the monsoon season, 350 inches [9,000 mm] of rain drench its hills, which lie at the foot of the Himalaya Mountains. Incredible as it may seem, however, Cherrapunji also suffers from water shortage. Since there is little vegetation left to hold the...
October 30 at 9:49 PMLast day today, will still continue my journey on eco challenge, doing my bit to make this earth better for the future folks to come
October 30 at 8:50 PMKnowledge becomes wisdom only when we implement it.
62 Team Members
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