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October 5 - October 26, 2022

Port of Portland 2022 Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Cultivating Communities Pull Together Items to Donate
    How can you prevent yourself from accumulating more things in the future?

    Nicole Staehle's avatar
    Nicole Staehle 10/20/2022 2:45 PM
    I am committing myself that if I get a new piece of clothing I will get rid of a piece I no longer utilize. 

  • Christine Chase's avatar
    Christine Chase 10/18/2022 9:08 AM
    Hopefully the smoke clears soon. I have not been able to spend more time outside (one of my challenges). 
    Enacting Equity Learn About Trans, Femme, and Nonbinary Experiences
    How is equality for trans, femme, and nonbinary people important to a just and sustainable society?

    Jen Wick's avatar
    Jen Wick 10/14/2022 3:01 PM
    Watched 30 minutes of the Frontline documentary Growing Up Trans—profiles of families with trans kids, and some of the complex questions facing parents, and pressures they face while supporting their children in getting to exist as their true selves. 
    I wish more people could spend the time to learn from stories such as these. 
    Enacting Equity Watch a Documentary about Racial Injustice
    What did you learn about racial injustice in the documentary(ies) you watched? How does what you learned connect to your understanding of sustainability?

    Jen Wick's avatar
    Jen Wick 10/13/2022 9:49 AM
    I watched a documentary about Braddock, PA and environmental racism. It's no suprise to me that that areas closest to the mills and many industrial locations are typically where lower-paid, often-underserved, often Black and Latinx families are housed. This is no accident.

    Part of environmental racism is that the impacts of air, water and soil pollution from industry is experienced most by the folks that live there. They are also the folks who benefit the least from these industries.

    • Jen Wick's avatar
      Jen Wick 10/17/2022 1:25 PM
      The way our culture and economic system considered and treats both the earth and human beings disposable is by design. As we look closer at those who are most impacted, it ideally brings awareness to what must be done differently to ensure that our practices, both labor, environmental and otherwise, are sustainable for all. That all human beings deserve to thrive, quality of life and access to healthy air, water, food, and secure housing. 

  • Christine Chase's avatar
    Christine Chase 10/13/2022 9:05 AM
    One of my challenges is to spend more time outside. To meet the challenge, I have been sitting outside in the mornings with my coffee while the dog spends time in the yard. It is more peaceful than watching the news!

  • Jen Wick's avatar
    Jen Wick 10/13/2022 8:52 AM
    I was able to rehome several things this week via my local Buy Nothing group, a community of folks giving and receiving without any money exchanged. I love the way it works. 
    Regenerating Nature Take Shorter Showers
    With 5-minute or less showers reducing your water footprint, what do you plan to add next to your water conservation habits?

    Nicole Staehle's avatar
    Nicole Staehle 10/11/2022 12:38 PM
    I purchased a washing machine with an autofill feature that only fills water to the amount that is necessary to wash the load of clothes and not fill completely with an un-necessary amount of water.
    Regenerating Nature Take Shorter Showers
    With 5-minute or less showers reducing your water footprint, what do you plan to add next to your water conservation habits?

    Noah Juarez's avatar
    Noah Juarez 10/10/2022 10:24 AM
    Shorter showers are proving to be a real struggle. As a parent the white noise of water has been the one real moment of peace and quiet that I can regularly count on. In order to make short showers an actual habit I will need to find a way to find uninterrupted peace and quiet in other ways.
    Balancing Consumption Repair a Broken Item
    What did you fix and how did it go? Share a few pics if you can!

    Nicole Campbell's avatar
    Nicole Campbell 10/07/2022 9:12 AM
    Question: What did you fix and how did it go? Share a few pics if you can!

    I chose to replace the battery inside my daughter's portable bluetooth speaker. She's had the speaker for about 4 years and the battery life had ended. Rather than get a new speaker I did the research to figure out what new battery to buy and how to replace it. Taking electronics apart that you care about is always nerve wracking since there is always that point of no return where you can't go back so you have to go forward. It turned out great and I spent $18 and 30 minutes of my time rather than the $149 to buy a replacement of the same speaker. I also recycled the battery through my Ridwell service, so nothing went to landfill.

  • Nicole Campbell's avatar
    Nicole Campbell 10/07/2022 9:03 AM
    I've been taking part in the EcoChallenge for the last 5 years. What keeps me coming back is the opportunity to see which of the actions I have taken as part of the challenge have now become unconscious standard practices. I believe subtle shifts like that can make a world of difference. Happy to be here!