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October 5 - October 26, 2022

Zoroastrians Go Green Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Balancing Consumption Calculate My Carbon Footprint
    What is one way you will reduce your carbon impact? What is a practice you already have that helps you reduce your carbon impact?

    Fred Desai's avatar
    Fred Desai 10/23/2022 1:15 AM
    Our carbon footprint per person is ~21 tons of CO2 equivalent per year, which is better than the average in Fairfield for an equivalent home, but still too high. 

    For sustainability, the global per capital carbon footprint needs to be 2 tons/…. Today’s global average is 4 tons/….  


    I would urge all of you to calculate your carbon footprint. It will guide u as yo what are the most impactful things u can do. 

    With solar panels, about half of of our electricity comes from solar.  Even with that, we are only 2% better than an equivalent average household in Fairfield.  This means that our energy consumption is quite high. Will try and go deeper into why that is the case by doing an energy audit. 

    An area of opportunity for us is getting electric cars since both our cars today are old and the mini van is a gas guzzler. 

    Our pesciterian diet helps keep our carbon footprint lower than the average.  We r trying to become vegetarians in the near future which will help even further. 

  • Bakhtavar Desai's avatar
    Bakhtavar Desai 10/20/2022 8:28 PM
    I will support LGBTQ+ owned businesses as much as I can from now on.  Here's a list of some of these businesses for a start:
    I bought soy lavender candles from this company and encourage you to try them out:)
    Regenerating Nature Calculate My Water Footprint
    What is one way you will reduce your water use? What is a practice you already have that helps you reduce your water use?

    Kashmin Dalal's avatar
    Kashmin Dalal 10/18/2022 1:05 PM
    I want to improve my indoor water usage, such as showering, brushing teeth, washing my face and hands. One tip the calculator showed was to collect water in a bucket as you wait for the water to heat up and then using this water to water plants/wash dishes/etc. 

    Additionally - I was shocked to see my gal/day score shoot up as soon as I hit meateater in the test. My gal/day went from 644 to 1299. I may try a 5 day no meat challenge to see how I can do in that area. 

  • Fred Desai's avatar
    Fred Desai 10/15/2022 12:01 PM

    Thanks for joining our team. We have a small team this time. 

    If u have not done do already please consider the following challenges

    Carbon footprint calculation
    Water footprint calculation
    Waste audit 

    We r about half way through. 

