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October 5 - October 26, 2022
M Button's avatar

M Button

JFK Awesome Possums

"My mission is to clean up the woods that are close to my house. "


  • 0 TODAY
  • 25 TOTAL

M's actions

Regenerating Nature

Spend Time Outside

I will replace 4 minute(s) per day typically spent inside and often with electronics with quality time outside walking, exercising, enjoying the sunrise/sunset, gardening, journaling, observing nature, or practicing gratitude for nature.


Regenerating Nature

Explore My Area

Each day, I will spend 4 minutes exploring a new area around my neighborhood, which might include a park, water body, trail, etc.


Regenerating Nature

Volunteer in My Community

I will volunteer 3 hour(s) for a nature-based event or another opportunity to support my community.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • M Button's avatar
    M Button 10/11/2022 6:23 AM
    The actions I picked were spending time outside, explore my area, and volunteer in my community. So over the weekend I took a walk. I explored the streets, I saw beautiful colors, and I saw some squirrels. But one thing that stood out were the woods close to my house. The woods have trails so I walked through them. What I saw made me very sad. I saw tons of cans, plastic items, and just garbage. I picked up some but there was just so much. I came back the next day to pick up more for my volunteer work but I could barely get any, by how much there was. But I am going to keep trying and trying so that one day it could be clean again.
    By: Matthew Button

    • Jayson Arredondo's avatar
      Jayson Arredondo 10/11/2022 6:24 PM
      wow Matt that was very thoughtful of you and has made me consider cleaning up the streets and making them cleaner.