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October 5 - October 26, 2022
Sharon D.'s avatar

Sharon D.

SAGE EcoLogicals

"There's always room for improvement. The goal here is to learn about more ways that I can."


  • 0 TODAY
  • 1,066 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    not spent in front of a screen
  • UP TO
    water footprint

Sharon's actions

Enacting Equity

Learn something new from the NJDEP website

Expand your DEP knowledge horizon! Spend at least 15 minutes learning about a Popular Topic, Program Area (other than your own) or other Initiative from the NJDEP website


Regenerating Nature

Spend Time Outside

I will replace 10 minute(s) per day typically spent inside and often with electronics with quality time outside walking, exercising, enjoying the sunrise/sunset, gardening, journaling, observing nature, or practicing gratitude for nature.


Balancing Consumption

What is Sustainable Fashion?

I will spend 30 minutes learning about sustainable fashion and adopt at least one sustainable fashion practice.


Balancing Consumption

Develop a Work-Life Balance

During the work day, I will schedule time for breaks to practice work-life balance.


Balancing Consumption

Know My Waste & Recycling Services

I will spend 30 minutes finding out how to recycle in my region, where landfills and/or waste sites are situated in my region, and which communities are most impacted by these sites.


Nourishing Food

What is My Food Supply Chain?

I will spend 30 minutes learning about my food supply chains, and complete a food waste audit.


Nourishing Food

Forest-Friendly Foods

I will spend 30 minutes learning about palm oil, coffee, cocoa, and other products known to contribute to deforestation, and replace or remove them.


Regenerating Nature

Support Local Pollinators

At least 30% of crops and 90% of flowering plants rely on pollinators to produce fruit. I will spend 30 minutes researching which plants support local pollinators and plant a few in my area.


Regenerating Nature

Volunteer in My Community

I will volunteer 2 hour(s) for a nature-based event or another opportunity to support my community.


Regenerating Nature

Listen to a Nature Podcast

I will spend 5 minutes listening to a podcast about nature.


Regenerating Nature

Calculate My Water Footprint

I will calculate my water footprint and look for a few ways I can reduce consumption or waste.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Sharon D.'s avatar
    Sharon D. 10/26/2022 10:03 AM
    Continuing with my invasive species podcast from yesterday, today I listened to one about the Burmese python in the Everglades.  I've heard about this a long time ago but more because of their battles with alligators.  It is interesting how Florida is addressing the issue - Burmese pythons have decimated small animal populations to the point that certain species of rabbits and foxes have disappeared in FL.  

    • Mary Hanks's avatar
      Mary Hanks 10/26/2022 12:03 PM
      Sharon, although I knew about problems in the Everglades, I didn't know that Burmese pythons were eliminating rabbits and foxes. Thank you for making we aware. 

  • Sharon D.'s avatar
    Sharon D. 10/26/2022 9:59 AM
    There's so many interesting nature podcasts and while it may keep me on my computer a little longer, I have chosen ones that will expand and improve my experiences outside.  Today was about invasive species and how to reduce their impact.  One solution is to plant native species, which is what I did this spring. Woo hoo.

  • Sharon D.'s avatar
    Sharon D. 10/25/2022 2:31 PM
    Ok, by now, if you've been reading my posts then you know most of my outdoor activity is walking my dog Archie.  I often do it right when I get home, before dinner, and with my husband.  Beyond just meeting ecochallenge 2022, getting outside has given me an opportunity to wind down after a busy day of work, given me and my husband an enjoyable time just to ourselves (until the dog goes nuts over a squirrel HA!) and get some exercise.  Co-benefits exist in all of these activities.  That's awesome.   
    Enacting Equity Learn something new from the NJDEP website
    What are you most proud of as a DEP employee?

    Sharon D.'s avatar
    Sharon D. 10/25/2022 5:38 AM
    I am really proud of my rule manager experience with the Diesel Retrofit Rule.  This rule cleaned up dirty diesel vehicles ahead of the 2007 diesel engine standards to reduce people's exposure to harmful soot emissions.  
    Regenerating Nature Support Local Pollinators
    Why is it important to take care of pollinators? Do you have a favorite pollinator?

    Sharon D.'s avatar
    Sharon D. 10/24/2022 3:40 PM
    I've been gardening for a long time - both landscaping and food plots.  I definitely have seen a connection between low harvest production when there arent many pollinators around.  My favorite pollinator is the bumble bee. I love how they collect the pollen on their legs and work all day long.  They are intent on their purpose and help my garden grow.  We have a win-win relationship.

  • Sharon D.'s avatar
    Sharon D. 10/24/2022 3:32 PM
    Listened to podcast about why animals migrate.  One thing sea turtles might use is magnetism to help them navigate.  Loggerheads go on a huge migration that spans an incredible distance.  So interesting. 
    Regenerating Nature Calculate My Water Footprint
    What is one way you will reduce your water use? What is a practice you already have that helps you reduce your water use?

    Sharon D.'s avatar
    Sharon D. 10/24/2022 3:23 PM
    I plan to reduce my water use by modifying my diet to those food that have less of a water footprint.  I was happy to see my water footprint is below the national average, which is what I expected a little since I already implement some water conservation practices at home.  When I wash veggies or fruit, I will save that water to feed my houseplants.   

    • Sharon D.'s avatar
      Sharon D. 10/25/2022 2:17 PM
      Good point Louisa!  I've been known to reuse old water in my dog's bowl  when I want to get him some fresh water.  I have wondered if dog backwash is ok for the plants  (Haha)

    • Louisa Lubiak's avatar
      Louisa Lubiak 10/25/2022 12:16 PM
      However, if the purpose of washing fruits & veggies is to remove residual pesticides, is it wise to give that wash water to the houseplants? I suppose it's OK as long as the produce is organic.

  • Sharon D.'s avatar
    Sharon D. 10/24/2022 5:33 AM
    Another beautiful day out in the woods again.  I have many friends that are relocating to warmer, year-round climates.  I'm an East Coast gal. I love the four seasons, the woods and the managable mountains of our region.  Northeast Pennsylvania is a beautiful canvas of Fall colors,

  • Sharon D.'s avatar
    Sharon D. 10/24/2022 5:28 AM
    I happened to be at a craft show where someone was selling tallow skin care.  This was something new to me so I researched it to learn more about it. Tallow is a very healthy animal fat that has many beneficial uses.  I recently had an oppportunity to take some off someone's hands who wasnt going to use it. I am hoping to make candles with some of my home grown herbs. 

  • Sharon D.'s avatar
    Sharon D. 10/24/2022 5:21 AM
    I spent a lot of time outdoors hiking around the woods.  I saw a lot of deer, signs of bear and an eagle soaring overhead. I feel lucky that I could be outside with such beautiful Fall weather on the weekend.