Karolina Biernat
- 534 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO31whole food mealsconsumed
UP TO30more servingsof fruits and vegetables
UP TO1,080minutesspent exercising
Karolina's actions
Whole Foods Diet
Processed foods can be less nutritious for our bodies and take more energy and water to produce, which can create more waste, pollution, and offer less benefit to our health. I will enjoy 1 meals per day free of processed foods.
Know My Health
I will get my Core Four Biometrics tests (blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and BMI).
Go Get a Check Up
I will make an appointment for my annual physical.
Exercise Daily
Exercise is a great stress blaster! I will exercise for 60 minutes each day.
More Fruits and Veggies
I will eat a heart healthy diet by adding 2 cups of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve at least 4 cups per day.
I will write down three things every day that I am grateful for, or send one email every day thanking or praising someone.
Learn About War & Conflict Impacts on People + Planet
I will spend 60 minutes learning how conflict between people impacts people + planet.
Watch a Documentary about Food Sovereignty
I will watch 1 documentaries about food sovereignty: the right of local peoples to control their own food systems including markets, ecological resources, food cultures and production methods.
Listen to a Food Podcast
I will spend 30 minutes listening to a podcast about food.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
REFLECTION QUESTIONFood Whole Foods DietMichael Pollan states that “it is better to pay the grocer (our edit: or the farmer!) than the doctor.” What are your thoughts on this assertion?
Karolina Biernat 10/28/2024 2:16 AMWhat we eat every day is our daily choice to avoid spending thousands on our health bills. Better to spend money on good food than medicine. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONHealth HappinessHow does/can practicing gratitude keep you centered and motivated to work for a better world?
Karolina Biernat 10/28/2024 2:13 AMBy focusing on what's good for me and to appreciate what I have as it's easy to take for granted. Appreciation is the key. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONHealth Exercise DailyHow can you incorporate other personal values (like quality time with friends or spending time in nature) into your exercise routine?
Karolina Biernat 10/28/2024 2:12 AMDefinitely by scheduling running sessions together on weekends. That way it's more fun and we motivate each other better, -
Karolina Biernat 10/01/2024 2:02 PMIt's fun to participate in the Challenge again :)-
Glenda Harrison 10/01/2024 2:28 PMAgreed! Love this time of year (and earth month)!
Karolina Biernat 10/01/2024 1:29 PMHello everyone!
Let's join forces and do good things for our planet :)
Have fun!