October 1 - October 31, 2024
Alpha Phi Omega Xi Iota
Susquehanna University
team impact
UP TO65meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
UP TO1.0locally sourced mealconsumed
UP TO480pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO1.0energy auditconducted
UP TO630minutesnot spent in front of a screen
UP TO371minutesbeing mindful
UP TO1.0waste auditconducted
UP TO255minutesof additional sleep
UP TO780minutesspent exercising
UP TO7.0conversationswith people
UP TO2.0documentarieswatched
UP TO960minutesspent outdoors
UP TO610minutesspent learning
Team Feed
Recent updates from this team-
October 30 at 8:22 PMMy appreciation for sustainability grew from seeing the impact of single-use waste on our planet. Growing up, I used reusable sandwich wraps and water bottles, which saved hundreds of plastic bags from going to landfills. A memorable experience was a family trip to Alaska, where our tour bus lunch used only recyclable or compostable items. It’s...
October 30 at 8:06 PMMy EcoChallenge is going well! I’ve been finding small ways to incorporate more sustainable habits into my daily routine, like remembering to turn off lights if they’re not in use, learning about the importance of being outside, and being more mindful about decluttering. It’s rewarding to see how these small actions can make a difference.
October 29 at 5:40 PMMany people with economic privilege are used to having top quality things and when they start to show signs of wear, they think they aren't good anymore, when that's not necessarily the case. We can all, rich or poor, utilize thrift shops, whether to buy or donate to. When I go thrifting, I find some great pieces of clothing that had nothing...
October 29 at 5:31 PMI think it's cool. Even if you don't have a religious ritual that has to do with sunrise and sunset, it's still nice to appreciate them.
October 26 at 10:15 AMThis is true to me. As a Christian, I believe that God created the world. It is important to spend time in God's creation, as it reminds us of His loving and generous character. It can be hard to see this if we spend all our time inside and glued to our screens.
October 26 at 10:13 AMPeople in poorer countries have animals closer to them and rely more heavily on them for things like milk and eggs, and the animal obviously needs to be alive to produce these things. You can only use an animal for meat when it's dead, so eating the animals would cause more hurt for them in the long run. People in richer countries generally...
October 1 at 10:58 PMI love nature and the environment, but sometimes I still fall into unsustainable habits. Ecochallenge helps to hold me accountable for my actions every day.
7 Team Members
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