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October 5 - October 26, 2022

Eco Champions Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Balancing Consumption Know My Waste & Recycling Services
    What did you find surprising or hopeful in your research?

    Meshae Robinson's avatar
    Meshae Robinson 10/26/2022 2:59 PM
    There are more companies with recycling programs than I have seen in quite a while. I can't wait to get started with them since I've been using their products anyway!

  • Emily Chavis's avatar
    Emily Chavis 10/24/2022 8:27 AM
    You all are doing great, this is the last week of the challenge. Let's finish strong!! 
    Balancing Consumption Calculate My Carbon Footprint
    What is one way you will reduce your carbon impact? What is a practice you already have that helps you reduce your carbon impact?

    Alexis Aupperlee's avatar
    Alexis Aupperlee 10/20/2022 10:48 AM
    I used the Ecological Footprint Calculator and discovered if everyone lived like me, we would need 3.5 Earths. That number shocked me and motivated me to reduce my carbon impact! The first step I am going to take is reduce my meat consumption.  
    Nourishing Food Weekly Meal Planning
    An average American throws out about 240 lbs of food per year. The average family of four in the US spends $1,500 a year on food that they throw out. Does this surprise you? Where would you rather use this money?

    Meshae Robinson's avatar
    Meshae Robinson 10/17/2022 7:34 AM
    This fact or estimation does not surprise me because those close to me are consistently surprised at my unwillingness to discard food when I am confident that it can be cooked or used somewhere else. I would rather use those funds for my next vacation or stay-cation.
    Nourishing Food Listen to a Food Podcast
    What podcast did you choose and what did you learn on the podcast you listened to?

    Layne McDonald's avatar
    Layne McDonald 10/14/2022 9:00 PM
    I am enjoying all the podcasts that are out there on Apple and Sound Cloud. I feel like I am growing a lot just by the daily commute. Taking in good quality educational materials from and to work has been great.
    Nourishing Food Listen to a Food Podcast
    What podcast did you choose and what did you learn on the podcast you listened to?

    Layne McDonald's avatar
    Layne McDonald 10/14/2022 9:00 PM
    I am enjoying all the podcasts that are out there on Apple and Sound Cloud. I feel like I am growing a lot just by the daily commute. Taking in good quality educational materials from and to work has been great.
    Nourishing Food Eat Plant-Based Meals
    What was the tastiest meatless or vegan meal you ever had or had recently? Did you make it? Can you share a recipe?

    Amy Mailloux's avatar
    Amy Mailloux 10/14/2022 12:23 PM
    I made the most amazing cream of mushroom soup with dairy free almond milk.  Added thyme and a splash of sherry to jazz it up.  Perfect soup for a cold day!
    Cultivating Communities Pull Together Items to Donate
    How can you prevent yourself from accumulating more things in the future?

    Marsha Mistry's avatar
    Marsha Mistry 10/13/2022 8:38 AM
    Being more intentional or mindful on wants versus needs. 

  • Pamela Guinn's avatar
    Pamela Guinn 10/12/2022 7:36 AM
    Enjoying the Eco Challenge! 
    Nourishing Food Forest-Friendly Foods
    How did you figure out ways to remove foods that are not forest-friendly?

    Amy Mailloux's avatar
    Amy Mailloux 10/12/2022 5:39 AM
    I watched a fabulous documentary on Netflix called Fantastic Fungi.  Not only was it beautifully photographed, but the content was super interesting.  And - my sister's friend was interviewed in the movie!